Katie Venner-Woodbridge

Katie Venner-Woodbridge

Katie Venner-Woodbridge

Katie Venner-Woodbridge, born in the UK in 1982 is an artist-teacher living and working in the Middle East. With a background in commercial textile design and weave, her practice has several paths that follow material explorations, new media and language which collide and collude when necessary. If you ask her what she does she’ll tell you she likes challenging restrictions, the continuous search for her voice through her practice and touching things, not necessarily in that order.

Currently participating in the self-directed open-sourced artist residency ‘A Residency In Motherhood’ and developing a further series of language works that explore tactility in painting and collage; her other interests involve collecting kaleidoscopes and building dens with her daughter. She has exhibited in various group shows in both the UK and UAE.

#KatieVW #ThisIsKatieVW

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